Searching for Summer Wildflowers

It's always fun to search for wildlife and native plants while hiking in the High Country. This entry is about some of the current wildflowers you can try to find when you are on a hike up to Tahquitz Meadow. Flowers are always changing so what is there now will probably be gone in a month or so. Good luck with your search!


As you are hiking up Devil's Slide, look for this huge leafed flower. It is inappropriately named... it is a Thimbleberry. 

As you are hiking up Devil's Slide, look for this huge leafed flower. It is inappropriately named... it is a Thimbleberry.


Alittle further up the trail is the Western Azalea. It is past its prime but you should still be able to see some of these flowers. 

Alittle further up the trail is the Western Azalea. It is past its prime but you should still be able to see some of these flowers.


Thanks to the abundance of snow this winter, we still have some flowing creeks! Along this creek which flows through Tahquitz meadow, you can find some beautiful blooming flowers. 

Thanks to the abundance of snow this winter, we still have some flowing creeks! Along this creek which flows through Tahquitz meadow, you can find some beautiful blooming flowers.


The most prevalent are the Mariposa Lily and the.... 

The most prevalent are the Mariposa Lily and the....


Mountain Monkeyflower and ...




Hidden away behind brown post site 1, I found a few Lemon Lilies .......

Hidden away behind brown post site 1, I found a few Lemon Lilies .......

...a California Geranium...  

...a California Geranium...



and finally, a California Columbine hanging over the water. Good luck with your searching! Enjoy the hike!

and finally, a California Columbine hanging over the water. Good luck with your searching! Enjoy the hike!